• PhD/postdoc positions at the Institute for Quantum Information, Aachen, Germany

    Updated: 2012-07-21 01:20:11
    Applications are invited for PhD and postdoctoral positions at the Institute for Quantum Information at RWTH Aachen University in the group of Norbert Schuch. The research focus of the group is at the boundary between quantum information theory and quantum … Continue reading →

  • Postdocs in the Bristol Quantum Information Group

    Updated: 2012-07-21 01:13:11
    The Bristol Quantum Information group is advertising several 2-year postdoc positions in quantum information theory and in the foundations of quantum mechanics. Extensions are possible. The online job advert can be found here: http://www.bris.ac.uk/boris/jobs/feeds/ads?ID=110372

  • My BlackHat Plans

    Updated: 2012-07-19 22:52:01
    I’ll be speaking twice at BlackHat. First on the “Smashing the Future” panel with Bruce Schneier, Marcus Ranum, Jeff Moss and Jennifer Granick (10AM Wednesday, main hall). My second talk is also on Wednesday, on a new game, Control-Alt-Hack. I’ve been helping Tamara Denning and Yoshi Kohno create Control-Alt-Hack, and we’ll be speaking Wednesday at [...]

  • Aitel on Social Engineering

    Updated: 2012-07-19 16:51:55
    Yesterday, Dave Aitel wrote a fascinating article “Why you shouldn’t train employees for security awareness,” arguing that money spent on training employees about awareness is wasted. While I don’t agree with everything he wrote, I submit that your opinion on this (and mine) are irrelevant. The key question is “Is money spent on security awareness [...]

  • Postdoc and PhD Positions at Université Libre de Bruxelles

    Updated: 2012-07-12 18:18:45
    A postdoctoral position and a PhD grant are available as part of a project involving three groups at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Brussels, Belgium): - Centre for Quantum Information and Communication (QuIC) : Nicolas Cerf, Jérémie Roland - Algorithms … Continue reading →

  • Postdoctoral Fellow Positions at Center for Quantum Information and Control

    Updated: 2012-07-10 22:05:53
    The Center for Quantum Information and Control (CQuIC) at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque is seeking at least two postdoctoral fellows (PDF) in the groups of Profs. Carlton M. Caves and Ivan H. Deutsch … Continue reading →

  • The Evolution of Information Security

    Updated: 2012-07-09 16:10:56
    A little while back, a colleague at the NSA reached out to me for an article for their “Next Wave” journal, with a special topic of the science of information security. I’m pleased with the way the article and the entire issue came out, and so I’m glad that the NSA has decided to release [...]

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